

Búinn að setja linka á aðalkallinn
m.a. handrit að öllum þáttunum.
Birti af því tilefni þrjú góð samtöl

[Setting: Jerry and George on a Bus]
GEORGE: It's just not good, it's not good.
JERRY: It's not good ?
GEORGE: I'm bored. She's boring, I'm boring, we're both boring. We got out to eat, we both read newspapers.
JERRY: Well at breakfast everybody reads.
GEORGE: No. Lunch we read, dinner we read.
JERRY: You read during lunch?
JERRY: Oh, well.
GEORGE: There's nothing to talk about.
JERRY: Ya, what's there to talk about.
GEORGE: Well at least you and I are talking about how there's nothing to talk about.
JERRY: Why don't you talk to her about how there's nothing to talk about?
GEORGE: She knows there is nothing to talk about.
JERRY: At least you'll be talking.
GEORGE: Oh shut up.(Al comes onto the bus)
AL: Hey, look who's here.
JERRY: Hey, Al.
GEORGE: Hey, Al. How's it going?
AL: (extremely happy) Deeply in love. We have soo many things to talk about. Sometimes we'll talk all night, till the sun comes up (pauses in his happiness; to George) so how about you?
GEORGE: Oh I'm seeing someone, yes. You know her, Daphne Bower.
AL: Great girl.
GEORGE: We have no need to speak. We communicate with deep soulful looks.

George is sitting at the counter perusing a magazine. The waitress comes overto take his order.
WAITRESS: What d'you want?
GEORGE: Ah, I've had everything on the menu. Uh, surprise me.
The waitress disappears out back. George goes back to reading. Behind him, abeautiful woman enters, and approaches him.
DANIELLE: (to George) Neil.
The woman touches George on his shoulder, to get his attention.
George turns to face the woman.
DANIELLE: (apologetic) Oh, I am sorry. (smiling broadly) I'm supposed to meetmy boyfriend here. He looks just like you.
GEORGE: (bemused) Really?
DANIELLE: (smiling) Yeah.
GEORGE: (pointing to himself) Like me?
DANIELLE: Uh-huh. Sorry.
Danielle walks away with a wave. George sits there, looking stunned.
GEORGE: (confused, to himself) Like me? But how?
The waitress returns from the back and puts a plate down on the counterbefore George.
WAITRESS: Here's your halibut omelette. Surprised?
GEORGE: Yes, yes, I am.

Scene At the restaurant!
George is coming from the bathroom to sit with his bride-to-be.
George: I will never understand the bathrooms in this country. Why is it that the doors on the stalls do not come all the way down to the floor?
Susan: Well, maybe it's so you can see if there's someone in there.
George: Isn't that why we have locks on the doors?
Susan: Well, as a backup system, in case the lock is broken, you can see if it's taken.
George: A backup system? We're designing bathroom doors with our legs exposed in anticipation of the locks not working? That's not a system. That's a complete breakdown of the system.
Susan: Can we change the subject, please?
George: Why? What's wrong with the subject? This is a bad subject?
Susan: No, fine. If you wanna keep talking about it, we'll talk about it.
George: It's not that I want to keep talking about it? just think that the subject should resolve itself based on its own momentum.
Susan: Well, I didn't think that it had any momentum.
George: (To himself) How am I gonna do this? I'm engaged to this woman? She doesn't even like me. Change the subject? Toilets were the subject. We don't even share the same interests.