Keypti mér complete 3. seríu SEINFELD á DVD í gær. Yndi. Birti af því tilefni eitt af uppáhalds umræðuefnum mínum úr SEINFELD. Um vekjaraklukkuna! Á mjög vel við þar sem ég svaf yfir mig með tveimur mismunandi vekjaraklukkum í gær...
Elaine: No. I'm completely blocked! In fact, I'm gonna work on it tonight. Oh. Oh no! Oh, I can't!
I got that marathon runner coming in tonight.
Jerry: What marathon runner?
Elaine: You know, this guy Jean-Paul, Jean-Paul... I met him when I was working at Pendant,
editing a book on running...
Jerry: Oh, wait! Jean-Paul, Jean-Paul! Isn't he the guy who overslept at the Olympics 4 years ago
and missed the marathon?!
Elaine: Yeah, that's him.
Jerry: He's from uh...Trinidad and Tobago, right?
Elaine: Yeah, he's Trinidadian and...Tobagan. (laughs)
Jerry: How do you oversleep at the Olympics...?
Elaine: Ah, I know. I know...!
Jerry: I mean, it's like the biggest event of your life! You'd think you'd have, like, 6 alarm
clocks, payin'-off little kids in the village to come banging on your door...
Elaine: Yeah, well, he was pretty devastated. This is his first race in 3 years.
Jerry: Ah...that's a big responsability on your hands.
Elaine: What responsibility? I don't have any responsibility.
Jerry: You gotta wake him up!
Elaine: Eh...he'll get up...
seinna sama dag...heima hjá Jerry..
Jerry: He overslept and missed the whole race. Isn't that amazing?
George: I'll tell you what happened. I bet he got the AM/PM mixed-up.
Jerry: My money's on the snooze. I bet he hit the snooze for an extra 5 and it never came back
on. Imagine your whole life riding on an alarm clock.
og enn seinna í þættinum..
««« (Monk's Restaurant - Jerry)
(Elaine and Jean-Paul come in)
Elaine: Jerry. Jerry, this is Jean-Paul.
Jerry: Ah, hi Jean-Paul. Nice to meet you.
Jean-Paul: Nice to meet you.
Jerry: Sorry about the Olympics.
Jean-Paul: Me too. (disappointed)
Elaine: Listen, listen I'm gonna go call work to see if I can get my deadline extended.
I can't...come up with anything for this thing.
(Elaine leaves)
Jerry: (pause) So what happened? The snooze alarm, wasn't it?
Jean-Paul: Man, it wasn't the snooze. Most people think it was the snooze, but no, no snooze.
Jerry: AM/PM.
Jean-Paul: Man, it wasn't the AM/PM. It was the volume.
Jerry: Ah...the volume.
Jean-Paul: Yes, the volume. There was a separate knob for the radio alarm.
Jerry: Ah, separate knob.
Jean-Paul: Yes, separate knob. Why separate knob?! Why separate knob?! (frustrated)
Jerry: Some people like to have the radio alarm a little louder than the radio.
Jean-Paul: Oh, please, man, please!
Jerry: Don't worry, it's not gonna happen again. Not if I have anything to say about it.
(Elaine returns)
Jerry: Elaine, what's the alarm clock situation in your house?
Elaine: Jerry...
Jerry: It's a simple question...
Elaine: I've got an alarm, ok?
.... o.s.frv.